Dr. Billy Thompson: Transforming Overwhelm into Empowerment

These practices enabled Thompson to get out of his office and into classrooms for three full days every week to observe teachers, while his secretary gained some much-needed time and privacy to complete her daily administrative tasks.
CHALLENGE: Low Teacher Competency & Student Achievement, High Staff Turnover, and Daily “Fires”
Dr. Billy Thompson, a site and central office administrator at A+ Charter Schools in Dallas, TX, faced significant challenges when he first stepped into the role. Student achievement at his secondary school was at unacceptably low levels and enrollment was below capacity. At the time, the school suffered from high staff turnover and low teacher competency. Billy spent his days putting out fires, resolving conflicts and attempting to unbury himself from the piles of paperwork that accompanied these breakdowns. He and his secretary felt overwhelmed by their jobs – everyone’s stress became their burden too.
SOLUTION: Implementing Boundaries and TBC Systems
After attending The Breakthrough Coach Program, Billy began to think differently about his leadership role. He realized he needed to say “no” as much as he said “yes,” and to set appropriate boundaries with staff. By implementing The Breakthrough Coach’s Fundamental Practices™, Billy and his secretary put systems in place that discouraged people from lining up outside his office door and loitering around the front desk. He allowed his secretary to manage his calendar and schedule specific office hours for staff, which reset the school culture around what it meant to have an “open door” policy. In addition, he adopted The Breakthrough Coach’s written system for receiving, reviewing, and responding to his staff’s request in an orderly way. These practices enabled him to get out of his office and into classrooms for three full days every week to observe teachers, while his secretary gained some much-needed time and privacy to complete her daily administrative tasks.
OUTCOME: A Total Reset = A+ Results
The Breakthrough Coach Program quickly transformed Billy’s leadership and A+ Charter’s results. The school’s discipline issues dropped dramatically because he was in classrooms interacting with students in a positive way. Academically, the school made double-digit gains, and moved from Needs Improvement status to Recognized in under three years (only three points away from Exemplary). By his third year in this role, the campus’ enrollment reached capacity with a waiting list. Billy credits these results to his Breakthrough Coach learning journey that ultimately made it possible for him to spend three days each week in classrooms.
Dr. Billy Thompson’s journey showcases the transformative power of The Breakthrough Coach Program. By embracing the program’s practices and systems and prioritizing a personal willingness to forge a strong executive-secretary partnership, Billy achieved remarkable professional success.
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