Podcast Support Series

Our Podcast Support Series is an essential resource for Breakthrough Coach Graduates.
This 12-session audio playlist provides answers to your frequently asked questions, daily practice exercises, and the conversations to have with your school community members to ensure implementation success.

Podcast #1

An Introduction to Coaching

This session explains how to use the Podcast Series to support your successful implementation of The Breakthrough Coach System. It defines the three most common forms of teaching and learning with an emphasis on practice and coaching as the primary drivers of adult behavioral change.

Podcast #2

Clean Your Office Again….Really

Transforming your office into an impeccable conference room is a necessary precursor to getting into classrooms two days a week and maintaining a sensible workload. This session benchmarks where you are in the process and outlines specific actions to take to complete this critical first step.

Podcast #3

How to Conduct a Productive Daily Secretary Meeting

This session teaches school secretaries how to successfully increase their capacity to run the front office, while also supporting their executives to become focused, results-oriented, instructional leaders.

Podcast #4

Build Your Capacity to Make and Manage Requests

When an executive becomes competent at making and managing requests, technical work is completed as requested, on time, by the appropriate technicians. The executive is then freed up to focus on the training and development of the entire staff. This session provides context and explanation for how to do both.

Podcast #5

How to Roll Out TBC to Your School Community

Learn how to introduce the Fundamental Practices to your greater school community. This session presents specific do’s and don’ts for speaking to staff, and provides helpful hints and tips for regularly reinforcing the message.

Podcast #6

Breakthrough Scheduling: The 4th Fundamental Practice

Secretaries learn, step-by-step, how to build their executive’s calendar to account for Coaching and Office Days, and maintain a sensible workload.

Podcast #7

Integrity: The Key to Continuous Breakthroughs

This session introduces the distinction Integrity – its definition, the impact it has on The Breakthrough Coach implementation process, and how to continually practice the concept at work. When an Executive-Secretary team manages the front office with integrity, the team gains more power to produce breakthroughs in their time, results and satisfaction.

Podcast #8

Cut Your Email Down to Size

The prolific use of email as a primary communication tool is out of control, abusive and interfering with your ability to get work done. This podcast presents a stepped-up plan for cutting your email inbox down to size in two week’s time or less.

Podcast #9

How to Make Coaching Days Work for Everyone

Completing two full Coaching Days every week can be challenging. Students happen, central office calls, a sudden deadline pops up – all of which can derail your best intentions. This podcast presents the preparatory conversations to have with staff, colleagues and parents to ensure Coaching Day success.

Podcast #10

How to Make Office Days Work for Everyone

Explaining Office Days to staff – their necessity and structure – requires nuance. You want to position your time as scarce, and therefore valuable, while also inviting staff to seek you out as needed. This podcast teaches you how to introduce Office Days to staff in a way that has your team members realize they’re going to get more of you, in less time, by adhering to your Office Day procedures.

Podcast #11

Celebrate Your Progress and Plan for More

If you’ve been consistently practicing The Breakthrough Coach system, it’s time to benchmark your results. Our Time Tracking Chart™ is the tool to use to get a comprehensive picture of your progress towards working less and producing more. Learn how to use it to your advantage by listening to Podcast #11.

Podcast #12

Networks to Navigate By

Powerful leaders understand that nobody ever produces breakthroughs alone. Breakthrough results manifest when leaders build strong teams around them, and then intentionally engage these teams in the work that matters most. Our final podcast presents this core executive leadership concept that, when taken to heart, can profoundly impact the trajectory of a school leader’s career.